Kaisthana Samithi


Sr# Name Position Mobile Email
1 Rev. Linvin C. Thomas Vicar & President 33992376 linvincthomasachen@gmail.com
2 Rev. Ajay T. Oommen Assistant Vicar 55569164 ajay.t.ummen@gmail.com
3 Mr. Sunny Samuel Vice President 55569709 sunny@ensrv.com
4 Mr. Stanly Oommen Trustee 55570879 stanlyoommen@hotmail.com
5 Mr. Biju Mathew Account Trustee 66734971 bitmathew@gmail.com
6 Mr. Samuel K. Mathai Lay Leader 33137541 kaipallil@gmail.com
7 Mr. Daniel Varghese Lay Leader 55929286 danielmanilath@yahoo.com
8 Mr. P. J. Abraham Secretary 55875411 pjabraham13@gmail.com
9 Mrs. Litty Mathew Mandalam Member 66857796 littymilestr@yahoo.com
10 Mrs. Moly George Assembly Member 55882835 george_doha@hotmail.com
11 Mr. Benny George Assembly / Council Member 55831488 thamarasseril@hotmail.com
12 Mr. Pinto Alexander Edavaka Mission Rep. 66641809 alexpintoalex@gmail.com
13 Mr. Prince George Abraham Choir Rep. 33361991 princegeorgeabraham@gmail.com
14 Mrs. Moly George Sevika Sanghom Rep. 55882835 george_doha@hotmail.com
15 Mrs. Anita Abraham Children Service Rep. 55724495 anitaabrm@gmail.com
16 Mr. Issac S. Thomas Yuvajana Sakhyam 31394353 issacsthomas@gmail.com
17 Mr. Nibu M. Panicker Bethany Area Rep. 55415049 nibumpanicker@gmail.com
18 Mr. Saji J. K. Bethel Area Rep. 55933282 sajijk@gmail.com
19 Mr. Liju P. Abraham Carmel Area Rep. 30333271 liju_128@yhoo.co.in
20 Mr. Varghese Philip (Siby) Christos Area Rep. 55915130 varghesephilip30@yahoo.com
21 Mr. Tiju Thomas Varghese Ebenezer Area Rep. 66992705 tiju1980@hotmail.com
22 Mr. Johnson Joseph Hebron Area Rep. 30130919 johnson_kumbanad@hotmail.com
23 Mr. Philip Mathew Hermon Area Rep. 55734993 saney.philip@gmail.com
24 Mr. Thomas Varghese Horeb Area Rep. 55728916 thomasv79@gmail.com
25 Mr. Philip V. Thomas Moriah Area Rep. 33403771 philipsvthomas@yahoo.com
26 Mr. Saju Jacob Tharakan Nazareth Area Rep 55366518 saju_jac@yahoo.com
27 Mr. Prabhu Mathew Alex Salem Area Rep. 66839829 prabhumathewalex@gmail.com
28 Mr. Manu Mathew Sehion Area Rep. 50148060 lukinmanu@gmail.com
29 Mr. Reji Tom Mathews Sharon Area Rep. 66004839 rejimathews@gmail.com
30 Mr. C. T. Abraham Sinai Area Rep. 50594940 shajucheru@gmail.com
31 Mr. Ani Thomas Tabore Area Rep. 31077123 ani.thomas2003@gmail.com

Worship Timing

7:30 pm Thursdays
Holy Qurbana Service (Malayalam)
7:30 am Fridays
Holy Qurbana Service (Malayalam)
7:30 am 2nd Fridays
Holy Qurbana Service (English)

Verse of the Day

Numbers 31:38 - "And the beeves were thirty and six thousand; of which the LORD'S tribute was threescore and twelve."

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