Children's Service

Children’s Service

Children’s Service activities are mainly on Fridays, after Worship Service. Timing is 10 AM to 11.30 AM. Nursery I to Young Adult II level Students attend in the Children’s Service Classes. Age group is 4 to 17 years. Classes are divided based on the age of a student. The motto of Children’s Service is “Come to Jesus, bring every child to Jesus”.

Teachers' Registration Link

Students' Registration Link


Main Activities:

The Children’s Service starts with the theme song and then the first 20 minutes are devoted to Music Session and the next 40 minutes are set apart for Bible Studies and on the third Friday of every month students are trained to lead the Children’s Service Worship session (Kauma).

Mr. Benji Abraham and Mr. Alexander George lead the Music Session. They are supported with Musical Instruments played by Senior Students of Children’s Service and former Children’s Service Student (our current Choir Master) Mr. Prince George Abraham.

The Classes are distributed according to the age group which is further divided into many divisions and each class comprises a maximum of 10 students.

A total of 963 Students take part in Children’s Service activities. A total of 86 teachers 10 Volunteers and admin staff provide dedicated service in Children’s ServiceThe Children’s Service follows the Mar Thoma Sunday School Samajam Syllabus.

The academic year commences from the first week of January and ends during the last week of December. The annual Exam & Birudu Exams are conducted in November, as per the Samajam guidelines & class toppers of the Birudu Exam are awarded Gold Medals.

Annual Day is celebrated during May.- Meritorious students are given prizes- Outgoing Young Adult II Students are felicitated with a graduation ceremony in December where they are given mementos and certificates.

Additional Activities

Teenage Fellowship
Teenage Fellowship is held twice a month during Friday evening hours. Activities of Teenagers’ Fellowship include support and guidance sessions, group discussions, Bible classes, presentations on a variety of subjects including life skills and personality development, music sessions, and recreational activities including the picnic. Children take the lead in singing, Bible-reading, and other aspects of conducting the meetings. Dr. Sera Philiup serves as the Co-ordinator of the Teenage Fellowship, supported by various well-wishers of the Parish and Teachers of Children’s Service.

Prayer Cell:
Every 5th Friday, the prayer cell of Children Service gathers in the church for intercessory prayer & every second Saturday, the prayer cell conducts a chain prayer.

Summer Vacation Activities
When the Schools in Doha are closed for Summer Vacation, special Summer Vacation activities are conducted for those children who are not going for Vacation. Priority is given to the Student’s involvement in all activities.


Vacation Bible School is held during Eid Holidays/School Holidays, under the leadership of trained personnel deputed by the Diocesan Episcopa. The syllabus of Mar Thoma Sunday School Samajam is being followed in VBS also.

Picnic - The Picnic is held every year, in which Children’s Service Students, Parents, and Parish members participate with enthusiasm.

Spark – Teenager’s Camp is conducted once every year.

Glow - Junior Students Camp is conducted once every year.

Rev. Zacharias Mar Theophilus Suffragan Metropolitan Memorial Ecumenical Quiz Competition for Ever Rolling Trophy conducted once every year

Talent Search Programmes - Conducted during the summer vacation/winter vacation period, to nurture the talents of our children, and the winners are given prizes.

Counseling Sessions - Conducted to improve the emotional health of the Children by Mrs. Leena Varghese, who is trained in the area of Counseling and takes care of this job.

Parent-teacher meetings - Conducted yearly to get feedback from the parents and the appropriate changes are incorporated to improve the activities of Children’s Service.

Office Bearers :

Designation Name Phone
President Rev. Ajay T. Oommen 55569164
Head Mistress Mrs. Anita Abraham 55724495
Secretary Mrs. Naveena Jaison 33025886
Treasurer Mr. Lynn George John 55365527
Church Committee Member Mrs. Anita Abraham 55724495
Auditor Mr. Tijoy Mathew Thomas 55767187
Rep. to Sunday School Samajam Mr. Shoji Isaac 55305850

Worship Timing

7:30 pm Thursdays
Holy Qurbana Service (Malayalam)
7:30 am Fridays
Holy Qurbana Service (Malayalam)
7:30 am 2nd Fridays
Holy Qurbana Service (English)

Verse of the Day

Revelations 11:10 - "And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth."

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