Edavaka Mission


Edavaka Mission

The Qatar Immanuel Mar Thoma Edavaka Mission is a registered sakha (branch) of the Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists Association. While every member of the church is its member, it has registered active members as well. The motto of the organization is that every member of the Church is a missionary irrespective of one’s profession, race or any other characteristics.
The activities of the Edavaka Mission are based on the seven activities of the Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelist’s Association which are: Intercessory Prayer, Bible Study, Witnessing and Sharing, House Visits, Charity Services, Conducting prayer meetings and Gospel work among non Christians. Qatar Immanuel Mar Thoma Edavaka mission keenly participates in every activities of our Parish for the spiritual nourishment of its members.

Regular Activities

  • Regular prayer meeting on every Sundays at 8:00 PM in the Church Prayer Hall; The activities include Bible study, intercessory prayer, sharing of events in life, giving of messages etc
  • Fasting prayer is being conducted on every 3rd Friday of the month at 4:00 PM
  • Camp visits are organized on 4th Friday’s of the every months

Office bearers (2024-2025)

The present office bearers of Edavaka Mission are as follows :-

Sr. Name Designation Mobile
1 Rev. Ajay T. Oommen President 55569164
2 Mr. Abraham K. Joseph Vice President 55365039
3 Mr. Aju Koshy Secretary 55507376
4 Mr. Prasad Mathew Treasurer 31582006
5 Mr. Pinto Alexander Church Committee Member 66641809

Worship Timing

7:30 pm Thursdays
Holy Qurbana Service (Malayalam)
7:30 am Fridays
Holy Qurbana Service (Malayalam)
7:30 am 2nd Fridays
Holy Qurbana Service (English)

Verse of the Day

Ezekiel 16:56 - "For thy sister Sodom was not mentioned by thy mouth in the day of thy pride,"

JoomVerses by: TerryWCarter.com