
Art of Mindful Parenting

The Doha Immanuel Marthoma Church Children's Service is organising a parenting series- 'Art of Mindful Parenting’ as part of Golden Jubilee celebrations.

Parenting series are designed to help parents become more knowledgeable about child development and communication styles and to encourage the use of positive parenting techniques like planned discipline, positive language, and family routines.

The first session of this series is scheduled for

Date and time - May 10th 2024 (Friday) @10:30 am
Venue- Prayer Hall
Topic- Identification of Developmental concerns in Childhood

Parents Meeting & Doha CS Alumni Meeting

As part of our Children's Service (CS) Golden Jubilee celebrations this year, we would like to have a meeting of our CS Alumni based in Qatar, on May 10th Friday 6 to 7:30 pm at church.

This will be a great opportunity to come together and reflect on how we have been blessed through these 50 long years.

Worship Timing

7:30 pm Thursdays
Holy Qurbana Service (Malayalam)
7:30 am Fridays
Holy Qurbana Service (Malayalam)
7:30 am 2nd Fridays
Holy Qurbana Service (English)

Verse of the Day

Amos 6:5 - "That chant to the sound of the viol, and invent to themselves instruments of music, like David;"

JoomVerses by: